Apr 25, 2015

Mondolicious Peek Essentials by Ellen Spring Release

I'll be part of the blog hop showcasing the Essentials by Ellen by Julie Spring Release on Tuesday April 28th.  And, I'll be giving away one of the new sets. 

MOOD WHEN DONE:  Well, mondolicious, of course!


Betty said...

this looks fantastic Joan - love those colors together - will be here on tuesday for sure!!

Joan B said...

Thanks Betty!

Vicki Dutcher said...

Well what cave have I in that ? I missed your NEW [totally fun] blog and that it seems you are on Ellen's Design Team too -- somehow I missed it all! I perused the new [fun] blog - awesome colors - gadgets - links - fabulous job. Congrats on Ellen's Team {?}- glad to see you have re-found stamping. Now, it's just a matter of replacing all you got rid of ;) -- I am following you on Bloglovin now so I don't miss anything else!

Joan B said...

Thanks Vicki!

Lisa Lara said...

Can't wait Joan. Looks like a beauty.

Jennifer Scull said...

I am sooooooo groovin' on these colors! and happy happy happy for you!!! :) great things are happening for you, Joan. and that makes me burst my buttons. :)