May 12, 2016

Are You a "No Reply" Commenter? Probably Yes

Edited to address some comments/questions: The fix described below is for those of you with a google account. For example, I believe that if you have a "" email address, a blog through blogger, or otherwise have a google account, this fix works for you.  I'm sorry if this caused confusion.  Nevertheless, if this fix does not apply to you, and you want to be able to be contacted if you've won a prize or asked a question, then you should supply your email address in your comment or continue to check back to see if your comment has been addressed.  I tend to reply in the comment section itself.  Thanks!


Part of being a good blogger is engaging in a bit of back and forth with my readers. However, most of the kind folks who leave comments here are "no reply" commenters. When I get an email notifying me of your comment, you are listed as "no reply" commenter, meaning I cannot reply to you.

If you are hoping to be entered in a giveaway, or asking a question, there is no way to contact you. In addition, sometimes I'd like to send someone a note to thank her or just respond off the blog, but I cannot. Moreover, if you enter a giveaway with the name "Anonymous" and are a no reply commenter, it's a guarantee you aren't going to win.

So, how to fix?

Rather than try and describe it, I'm referring you to my friend Amy Tsuruta.  Amy has been raising this issue for a long time and wrote this blog post last August that describes the problem and how to fix it.  It's not hard!!  Just scroll down that post a bit for the step-by-step.  In fact, I was a no reply commenter until I read Amy's post.

Thanks Amy!!


~amy~ said...


merryf said...

So all I have to do is click the "notify me" button? and then you can contact me to tell me what fabulous stamps I've won? ;-)

Mary said...

Thank you!

TK said...

AMen! I too was one of these, without my knowledge, since I am a "newbie". However, someone (Miss Michele!) took the time to find me so I could correct it. Now... I too have people I can't find...

Unknown said...

So, I went and read the info and not sure I truly understand. To me, this is addressing those commentators who also have blogs. But I don't have a blog. So I would have to include my email in the body of my comment in order for you to have contact info? I have checked the 'notify me' button in the past and discovered that just tells me when someone else comments on the same blog post. (filled my inbox to overflowing. Never felt so popular before! lol)
Lu C (lendyluatcomcastdotnet.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Unknown/Lu C, I went and read Amy's info several times but have no idea what we are actually supposed to do, especially if we don't have a blog. Some blogs you have to enter your email to post a comment (your email is not posted), other blogs you can only comment as anonymous if you're not on facebook or any other social media sites. Would love to learn what I'm doing wrong and change it but am totally lost.
Joan W.

Joan B said...

Please read the edited portion above! Sorry for the confusion.

Joan B said...

There is a link in Amy's post that takes you to another blog that shows the steps to take. I believe, though, that this is applicable to those with google accounts (not just blogger blogs). I think that is correct, but it is possible that I am wrong. Here is the link:

PJ said...

I don't have a blog either but the chart on AnyoneCanDecorate blog made it easy-peasy. The click HERE in Amy's post is not highlighted which made me stumble first time through. Amazing how quickly we adjust to this stuff! Thanks for this info, Joan! Have a wonderful day! Pamela~

Diane Jaquay said...

Even with a google account, which I have, it doesn't show up on my screen like it does on the link that's on Amy's post on how to do it. I have the "old" google though. I hate when I want to comment on someone's blog, or find an email address, and it takes me to that new Google + because at least half the time people don't have a blog or email address listed there. It's all very frustrating but I do comment when I can :)

Karen Hasheck said...

Thank you and thanks to Amy- I had no idea why I could reply to some comments and not others and how mine was set. I really appreciate this helpful advice!!

dinosaur said...


LaurieJ said...

Hi Joan. Thanks for this info. I had no idea! So this is my "test comment". I (hopefully) made the appropriate changes to my profile, and now you should be able to see my email address.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Joan. I missed Amy's link, no wonder I was so confused. Now it makes much more sense... if I had a google account. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
Joan W. (so nice to "know" another Joan)

vdoyle8 said...

thanks for this -- I had no idea!

vdoyle8 said...

so can you see my email now?

formatio said...
