Jan 15, 2020

All The Things

Let's start this party with a card.

This Always Here stamp set from Power Poppy is just a pretty, warm image. Plus, it comes with the sentiment built in, which I always appreciate. Used Copics and added a few details with Prismacolor Pencils. Hard to see in the photo, but I also added some clear jewels.

After I stamped the image with a Copic friendly ink (Memento), I kept it in the MISTI and, when I was done coloring, I restamped it with Versafine Onyx. While the Versafine is not Copic friendly, it works just fine if stamped after coloring. The image sort of came to life after I restamped it as the Versafine gives a much crisper image.

I find coloring small images much harder than large ones, but it was fun to make and this will make a perfect card to send to someone in need of a lift.

MOOD WHEN DONE: Happy to make a card!


A week before Christmas my cardiologist called to give me the results of a test. I need a heart transplant. Not immediately. Not tomorrow, but it's time to have a formal evaluation to get placed on The Waiting List. He referred me to an Advanced Heart Failure/Transplant cardiologist, Dr. X (not her real initial!).

Met with Dr. X. Really like her a lot. Managed to be both blunt and warm. I'm having another test, and she indicated that, after that test, we will either go forward right away with the formal evaluation (it takes several months) or defer it, but eventually I'm going to need a heart transplant. Given my age, it's better to get on the List ASAP.

Dr. X never said "die." Rather, "you'll live longer with a heart transplant than without." And I didn't ask about times or prognosis, because I have so many uninked stamps that it will take a very long time to use them all and why ask? 

Eventually, I'm going to talk about all the things -- the fears, the information, the tests, the details, the gratitude, the research, the risks, the health policy issues, the chance that I'll actually get a heart, all of it.

But for now, I'm just letting you know what's been going on. I'm hoping that I will educate and encourage folks to become organ donors. But the most important reason to blog about this is, selfishly, to give me an outlet to record all the things. I think it will help me process all of this. But I promise this blog is not going to turn into a medical blog. I've got cards to make and share, and most importantly, my life cannot be about this one thing,

In the meantime, I'm fine. If you spent any time with me, except for getting a little short of breath at times, you would have no idea that I had a heart condition. I'M FINE.

So, I'm on an adventure and you are welcome to come along for all the things. 


Janet said...

Hugs. Prayers. Stamping goodness. Let us know what you need.

Betty said...

i'll be along with your adventure with prayers,keeping in touch and hopefully getting together for lunch when i get to dallas again - meanwhile will look forward to the cards - hugs. bjk

ReneeK said...

Thank you for sharing with us, Joan. You are never far from my thoughts, for many years now. I love hearing about your life's adventures.

Eileen M said...

Love your cards, you always inspire me! My insurance agent had a heart transplant a few years ago, and since then has been a medal winner in swimming at the Heart Transplant Olympics. (He was not a swimmer before surgery) So there is something to look forward to! Sending hugs from Minnesota!

Starla said...

Wow. Lots to deal with! Thoughts and prayers as you start this journey. I’m glad you feel like you can share with your followers. And, I’m glad you have lots of stamps still needing to be inked! What great motivation to commit to your health!

Marie said...

It is easy in Michigan to be an organ donor; they put it on your drivers license. You do need to make sure your relative that makes the decisions is aware of your choice. Your diagnosis is overwhelming. Talking it through on your blog can only help. We will all be with you in your journey. Please reach out when you need assurance and some uplifting comments!

brandco2450@gmail.com said...

Thanks for sharing with us. Know that we're all on your side and
need to see more of your beautiful stamping and colouring.

Jeanne H said...

Kudos for letting us in blogland know about your issues. I do like your card...beautiful coloring.

Leslie Miller said...

A stunning card and even more stunning news. I'm glad you told us. You know the saying (which I have in a stamp), "If wishes could make you well you'd be better already" -- that's from me to you. Hugs, Joan.

Liz C said...

I know 2 people who have been given the gift of life, both from 2 very different situations. A vibrant 40 yr old who had a bacteria infection that attacked his heart. He now runs short marathons. The other a "healthy as a horse" 60 yr old who just had a lung transplant after being diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrous. In 6 short months, he is nearly back to normal healthy. Organ donation is the gift of life! Liz

Anonymous said...

Marisela Delgado said: The Lord is faithful even when we are not. He will always make the way for you. I was injured 6 and a half years ago. I cut a varicose vein while shaving my legs. It turned life-threatening and my life fell apart. He has seem me through some tough spots. He is with you and He turns our brokenness into a masterpiece. Trust Him. Marisela in San Antonio, Texas mariandmonsterd@yahoo.com

Pat said...

Keeping you in my prayers, Joan. Hang on to that positive attitude with both hands (& feet if needed).

Teri S. said...

Joan, this is indeed shocking news, but medical procedures today are so astonishing & technologically amazing. I know of two people who have received the gift of life & I encourage more people to do this. In BC, Canada, it shows on our driver's license if we are a donor. You may have days when you feel like you are hanging on by a single fingernail, but know that God holds you in His hand so there is not far to fall. Will be praying for you. Your card is just lovely. And hey, you can't leave all of those unused stamps orphaned. lol

Diana K said...

I am so very annoyed to hear this news. Life is a bitch. Big hugs to you, Joan, I'll be thinking about you every day. You deserve better than having to go through all that worry. I too know people who have gone through this procedure and are doing amazingly well many years later. I still don't think it should be happening to you.

IamDerby said...

❤️❤️❤️much love coming your way Joan. I’m hoping for the very best possible outcome. And as always I love your beautiful cards. Restamping after coloring? Genius!

Vikki H said...

Nothing like reality to direct plans! This wasn't the New Year news one wants. I wish there was a stop-worrying button to push but relying on the honesty of your medical team will have to do. Your coloring is excellent and another beauty to be cherished.

vdoyle8 said...

I'm along for the ride and I'll be praying while I'm at it. Love the card - even more, I love your spunky attitude!