Jun 28, 2017

Collecting Your Hopes and Dreams

source: lettertothepope.org

Thought it would be fun to give everyone a place to post her personal hopes and dreams. What's in your heart? Feel free to go anonymous if you want.  We'll put everyone's hopes and dreams in a virtual glass jar, to hold and sort and ponder and wish and pray.

My personal dreams and hopes are a few -- always for my son first, and good health for me and those I love. Oh, and the perfect adhesive!

What are yours??


Starla said...

My family's health and safety first and foremost!
My "secret" dream would be to work in the art field. Not necessarily stamping. I'd be happy working in an art gallery! Just surrounded by art. And my "deep secret" dream would be to find my soul and comfort in an art form and be able to make a little off of it

Susan Raihala said...

Also my and family's health and safety!

For myself, my "secret" dream is to become a lay speaker in the Methodist church. Also, to become a librarian. And to write. And to live in a clean and simple life. And to live in peace with everyone.

Wow, I had no idea I was so ambitious! Thanks for making me dream.

merryf said...

My personal hope is to show lovingkindness to everyone. My dream is to be happy with the life I have and not be jealous of others. My secret dream is to have the kind of life that would make me think, ' holy cow this is my amazing life!' And to know that I'm living a life that's worth all the stress. And my very secret dream is to win the megamillions lottery and give it all away ... oh, and good adhesive too!

Joan said...

Health, happiness and peace for my family, friends and the world. It's not too much to ask, right? It's what I always hope for every single night before I go to bed.

Lydia Fiedler said...

My not secret hope and dream is to find the money to move to Santa Fe. It would make us all immeasurably happy. xo

Leslie Miller said...

Most of all I wish good health, happiness, peace, and security for my son. I also wish for the whole world of humans no more greed, hate, war mongering, and destruction. As for myself, I'm in a good place. Content and happy. A dream would be to travel America in a camper van with Rich and the dogs. I also wish Golden Retrievers lived longer.

melinda said...

Hopes are health & happiness for my family. Dreams are to live close to Disney & have an annual pass 😆

Mary said...

I hope and pray for my son's safety and health and future as he navigates the transition from child to adult, having just turned sixteen a few weeks ago. I dream of peace, not only in a "broad brushstroke for everyone" way but also in my family and in my own heart and soul.

Joan B said...

beautiful hopes that we all understand

Joan B said...

health and happiness and family = perfection. Disney would one up the whole enchilada!!

Joan B said...

we all want that for our sons, don't we? maybe the camper van travel could come true??

Joan B said...

didn't realize that you had a hot spot for Sante Fe. Here's hoping it works out some day!!

Joan B said...

universal dreams aren't they?

Joan B said...

happy with the life I have and not be jealous of others. interesting. hope all your hopes and dreams come true

Joan B said...

all great ambitions!!

Joan B said...

hope the dreams come true.